We're all growing weary of pandemic isolation, and it's been easy to fall into a routine of living in nothing but the clothes we wake up in and foregoing typical grooming routines like hair styling and shaving, content to subsist in our individual cocoons. However, according to Psychology Today, living that way for too long isn't great for our mental health or our overall self-esteem. It's time to get up, get dressed, and be our best selves, whether sitting at home or venturing into the world for safe and socially distanced outings.
Dress For Mental Wellness
The pandemic has created an environment where one day blends into the next. However, becoming too lackadaisical about your appearance can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Consider getting up at the same time every day and observing a regular dressing and personal grooming routine. Get ready the way you would if you were going to the movies or meeting a friend for lunch. While you don't have to be decked out from head to toe, this mental health and wellness exercise will give you a sense of normalcy and stability in your life, helping you look better on the outside and feel better on the inside.
Prioritize Oral Health
Don’t let your oral health fall by the wayside. After all, having nice, straight teeth doesn't just improve your appearance and self-esteem; it can also have a positive impact on your health. Crooked, chipped, or broken teeth can be difficult to clean— and, along with hygiene issues, can put you at risk for cavities, plaque buildup, tartar, and face and jaw pain. If you’re eligible, consider a reviewed dental aligner that can gradually move your teeth into the correct position for easier, more effective cleaning. While some procedures might need to be done in a dentist’s office, a simple realignment using a product like byte can be done cost-effectively from the comfort of your home.
Move Your Body
Most of us who have sedentary jobs simply aren't getting the physical exercise we need on a regular basis. This is especially true when gyms are closed or the weather is too inclement to be outside. There are still ways to get your physical fitness in without leaving your house. Socially distanced bicycling, video workout routines, and yoga are all good exercises. Dancing, aerial fitness, jumping rope, or lifting weights in your garage are also ways to improve your overall fitness and state of well-being. Just the act of moving can help chase away depression and anxiety and help you have a more positive outlook on life, so stay tuned for Boise Aerial & Fitness online classes that you can do at home.
Eat Right
As the saying goes, you are what you eat, and eating pandemic junk food can be bad for your skin, your teeth, your waistline, and your overall health. Start getting back into a routine of healthy meal preparation by using fresh ingredients and whole foods and experimenting with new recipes — both as a distraction and as a way to expand your horizons and fill your body with only the best ingredients. Get your family involved or cook virtually with friends. You'll all start to notice a difference in your bodies and your mental health in short order.
It can be difficult to get motivated during the pandemic, and nearly everyone has experienced a time where they're only “dressed up” from the waist-up for Zoom meetings. Looking and feeling your best does wonders for your mental health and can make you feel more in control in a world that often seems anything but. The stronger you are mentally and physically, the easier it will be to overcome adversity.
To start reaping the benefits of dance and aerial exercise, sign up with Boise Aerial & Fitness now. Both in-person and online classes are available.
Photo by Pixabay